Thursday, October 8, 2009

To anyone girls with short hair?

What is the reality of really short hair styles? are they harder to style than long hair? how long does it take you to style your hair? do you use a lot of product?

heres what i am thinking...

To anyone girls with short hair?

I actually had that hair style about 2 years but it is easy yet hard to maintain. At first you have to get use to it, because its different then longer hair, but as soon as I got in the swing of things and learning how to style it, it took less then 5 minutes for me to do it. With that style you'll need a flat iron and gel or hair spray, or besides gel I like pomade it holds really well without being heavy, the only thing is if you want to keep it up you'll need trims every few weeks. But I love the style!

To anyone girls with short hair?

That is really cute ! 1 of my friends has her hair like that and it is really cute!! and i don't think it is hard to take care of

To anyone girls with short hair?

lol, that looks hella hard to style

To anyone girls with short hair?

mines short but not that short

itd probaly be easier less to deal with

To anyone girls with short hair?

Really hot! Totally worth the money!

To anyone girls with short hair?

I had short hair for a long time... It takes less time to blow dry. My hair right now is a little longer than sholder length and medium thickness and it takes about 5-10 minutes to dry.If you want your hair like that than you would have to have to use some product... It all depends on what you do now if it would be easier. Good Luck

To anyone girls with short hair?

Well my hair is very long for a black african american and it is 2 hard 2 handle and it takes so much time 2 think of many hairstlyes for it and i believe short hair is much better and it takes me about 30mins-1 hour is im trying to look really pretty and if i just throw it back into a ponytail it takes 5-10mins and I dont use gel because gel makes your hair fall out it tend 2 break it off and I just use this product called UBH for (Ultra Black Hair) you dont have 2 be black to use the product just go 2 the web and try it it makes your hair grow 6inches in about a year if you want to talk about it send me a friend request at this is my myspace and here is the website( or try UBH Hair Growth)


To anyone girls with short hair?

well it depends on what kind of hair yu have. if its thick then it takes maintainance if thiner caucasian hair than no problem

To anyone girls with short hair?

Oo that loks hot!

its got loads of textures in it too, it looks easy to manage.

My hair is not that short though its nearly up to my shoulders, but fairly short.

Well take it from me you will have less damage and less damage means shinier,softer feel and looking hair!

you can experiment with cute clips,hairbands too!

Also its big on the catwalk now. And guys like to see our sexy necks when hair is short!!

have a change


To anyone girls with short hair?

Its hard for people with hair like me.I don't know why i cut my hair.Yes its hard i put my hair in a i just use the $40 shampoo and conditioner as the celebrity's use.

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