Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How to have straightet hair?

Im a guy..

I have hair sorta like zac efron but what I notice is that his hair is straight

When mines gets long like his, the bangs then to curl left and right having their own position. The hair on top is more thicker and less straight . It curls just a little to the left or right and when I notice I have the same length of hair as zac efron I see his hair as silk smooth and for example when wind blows his hair would go up but would come down exactly where it was. For me My hair stays up when wind blows and I have to brush it down. How can I have my hair like his? His hair looks relaxed and brezzy.

Heres me:http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p126/...


Zac Efron:http://www.tapety24.net/obrazy/125952zac...


His hair is straight.. How come mine isnt?

is it because his hair is longer or what?

How to have straightet hair?

Also you should keep in mind his hair looks a little finer(meaning thinner) Than yours. It looks to me like yours needs to grow a bit.

And yes he uses a flat iron.

Many of my male clients are using one of these now. They are not just for girls anymore!

Another thing you could try is some salons are doing a chemical retexture. This can add movement and softness to your hair. If you have a lot of cowlic areas and you hair tends to stand up you can have it retextured to lay more flat!

Good luck!

How to have straightet hair?

he blow drys it and he irons it with a little iron and by iron i mean hair straightener :)

How to have straightet hair?

His stylist probably straightens it.

How to have straightet hair?

I suggest getting a cream. Any straightening cream will work. You can put it on when your hair is wet, then do your normal thing.

If you air dry it, it might work better.

But if you blow dry it, it tends to get frizzy. I say you should get a hair striaightener. It'll work, it will get your hair straighter and the results you want.

and you probably should grow your hair longer, itll look better and easy to take care of =)


How to have straightet hair?

people are born with different types of hair

it is almost impossible to make it look exactly like some one Else's

try to arrange your hair the way you think works with you

keep your mind open and try different styles

How to have straightet hair?

i just bought the "ion" hair straighter.........works GREAT!

How to have straightet hair?

because dude we all have different hair - he may just have stick strait hair and you have waves in yours - luck of the draw.

my hair tends to be wavy and frizzy so I use a flat iron to straiten it. you can get them anywhere.

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