Here is a picture of me:
I have black eyebrows and very dark brown hair. I'm not dying my hair for fun, I'm doing it because I desperately need a change.
How would I look with this hair:
I'm pale in the picture but have since gotten a tan. So I will be tan, have black hair, black eyebrows, and dark eyes.
Yes or no?
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
why not...
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
yess it'll look nice
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
Both of you look good with that hair color.
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
go for it! you only live once! =)
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
I think it would be gorgious..Go for it.
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
I think it look really good! I like change too! I change my hair color like every month!! lol
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
I'd say yes; go for it!!
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
yes then repost some pictures for us to see.
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
coolness i like it
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
Do it if you need a change... you'll look good either way : )
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
You are a hottie they way you are. By adding dye it might not look as healthy.
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
I'm going with yes
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
Yes, I think that would be good! It won't be a drastic change, but it will do!
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
I think the black would look great, your very pretty.
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
your hair looks the same as the other pic so i dont think it would make that much of a difference the layers and stuff would look nice though
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
NO WAY! Whichever one you are, you are gorgeous liek you are! That ashy gray/blue hair is gross and will ruin your beautiful black hair and take away from yoru facial features.
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
i say yes.
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
No real difference. You should get her cut, but not her color.
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
I don't really think the haircolor looks that different. It doesn't seem like it would be much of a change.
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
no, don't dye it, you are beautifull
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
err... yes...
i think it will look good on you
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
Your hair is already fairly dark, so it won't be a big change - go for it - just remember that black hair can wash you out, so you might have to brighten yourself up with makeup.
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
I think you will look nice with this color of hair! I say go for it!!
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
It's really not much of a change, your hair is already dark just remember if you go black it's hard to get it out.
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
yes, I like the black hair (the second picture).
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
I like your hair just the way it is. The other one(the girl with the hat) looked like she had gotten into the white paint when painting her ceilings.
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
If you don't like it you can always change it.
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
If you want to, I guess you will look nice.
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
now this is only my (a man) opinion but what are you thinking?
your hair is beautiful I wouldn't change a thing.
don't dye it or cut it.
What do you think of me dying my hair this color ? Please see pictures ?
i don't know which one is you in the pic, but it's not that big of a change, so go for it. i have blonde hair, and i'm very fair skinned, and i've dyed my hair red atleast 7 times in my life. no biggie, you can always go back.
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